Oh... dreams.
A couple of years ago, I barely used to dream. These days, it's almost every night. I sort of missed it by that time, although right now I wish I hadn't dreamt a couple of stuff I did, because some dreams are just disturbing. I know that in a dream, everything is possible, and that you can experience things beyond life that perhaps you could never achieve during your lifetime, but sometimes you just wish you hadn't dreamed those stuff. I am not speaking of nightmares. I am speaking of those dreams that make you startle when you wake up; those type of dreams that make you wonder about the possibility of the dream itself occur in real life. Of course some of them can be great and it would really awesome if they would occur, but others, no matter how good they sound or look like during its occurrance, in the end, you feel nostalgic and asking yourself ' Why on Earth did I have to dream about her ? '
For instance, in a friendship, one of the worst things that can happen is when love gets in its way. I have this great friend of mine and I've always had a crush on her. This summer, we went together on holidays and it devastating to let her go home after that. Later, things carried on, and I moved on, because there was no chance I would get anything from 'there'. We are friends and that is it. Recently we've been going out to concerts and stuff. She's just as gorgeous as she was the day we met eachother. Two nights ago, it wasn't a dream about a stranger I had. It didn't even involve sex. It was just pure love between me and her. I woke up right after the moment she said ' I love you. '.
The dream didn't manage having that said, because after having recently broken up with my girlfriend, dreams are all I have left, and that was just too much... I completely understand the reason I had that dream. I am sort of 'in limbo' mode, searching for the right path to follow; pathless, armorerless, helpless as ever before, and she seems like it, I guess. I think it was just a way of my conscience expressing how fucked up I psychologically still am xDDDD or maybe just digging up old memories.
The thing is that it shouldn't have. I might like her a lot, but I know that friendship is all that there is left for me, at least with her. I will be having a tough moment next time I meet her, that's for sure. Thankfully, I have no images on my memory of any sort. However, I did have that dream, and by then I did finally realise the power of a dream. I reckon mine was nothing, but it widened my perspective towards it.
A dream can be a beautiful thing. It can give you wings to fly as high as you can. But if it's not beauty that it intends to pass on to you, a dream can destroy a person's life.
A couple of years ago, I barely used to dream. These days, it's almost every night. I sort of missed it by that time, although right now I wish I hadn't dreamt a couple of stuff I did, because some dreams are just disturbing. I know that in a dream, everything is possible, and that you can experience things beyond life that perhaps you could never achieve during your lifetime, but sometimes you just wish you hadn't dreamed those stuff. I am not speaking of nightmares. I am speaking of those dreams that make you startle when you wake up; those type of dreams that make you wonder about the possibility of the dream itself occur in real life. Of course some of them can be great and it would really awesome if they would occur, but others, no matter how good they sound or look like during its occurrance, in the end, you feel nostalgic and asking yourself ' Why on Earth did I have to dream about her ? '
For instance, in a friendship, one of the worst things that can happen is when love gets in its way. I have this great friend of mine and I've always had a crush on her. This summer, we went together on holidays and it devastating to let her go home after that. Later, things carried on, and I moved on, because there was no chance I would get anything from 'there'. We are friends and that is it. Recently we've been going out to concerts and stuff. She's just as gorgeous as she was the day we met eachother. Two nights ago, it wasn't a dream about a stranger I had. It didn't even involve sex. It was just pure love between me and her. I woke up right after the moment she said ' I love you. '.
The dream didn't manage having that said, because after having recently broken up with my girlfriend, dreams are all I have left, and that was just too much... I completely understand the reason I had that dream. I am sort of 'in limbo' mode, searching for the right path to follow; pathless, armorerless, helpless as ever before, and she seems like it, I guess. I think it was just a way of my conscience expressing how fucked up I psychologically still am xDDDD or maybe just digging up old memories.
The thing is that it shouldn't have. I might like her a lot, but I know that friendship is all that there is left for me, at least with her. I will be having a tough moment next time I meet her, that's for sure. Thankfully, I have no images on my memory of any sort. However, I did have that dream, and by then I did finally realise the power of a dream. I reckon mine was nothing, but it widened my perspective towards it.
A dream can be a beautiful thing. It can give you wings to fly as high as you can. But if it's not beauty that it intends to pass on to you, a dream can destroy a person's life.